Monday, May 4, 2009

Museum Trip

Went to MoMA today with Kelly R. (thanks August!)
Saw the big Martin Kippenberger show and the Tehching Hsieh stuff.
Buzzed through "Tangled Alphabets" and "Compass in Hand".
There's always too much stuff and I can only take so much.

Tried to recreate a Sigmar Polke drawing when we got home.

Later, I was searching the Life Magazine archive for interesting photos.
Found a bunch from April of 1958 that were all related to a fire. (mentioned here)
A couple of them had the caption "Employees moving paintings during the fire."
I thought to myself, "I wonder if Frank O'Hara is in any of these. That would be weird."



Am I right or am I right?
(Kelly's not convinced.)

1 comment:

kellyr said...

After investigation the 'detail' shot, I am convinced!